Land Ownership Max, a family-owned and operated business, is the foremost buyer and seller of land real estate (both residential and commercial) in the United States. We buy and sell land fast and for cash with no hassle closes & no red tape.  Our mission is to make land ownership an affordable reality for everyone regardless of your financial situation. 

We at Land Ownership Max will collaborate with you to ensure some of the best prices in the industry.  We cut out the middleman, by owning all of our land so you can attain those below-market value prices you’ve been seeking as a buyer.  Also, those interested in selling to us walk away with a wider wallet and a big smile after working with us. We take a personalized approach to each land agreement and welcome you to learn more about us by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions page. 

There is no deal too small or too big for us so don’t hesitate to reach out today via the “Contact Us” link at the top of the page, you can also reach us by phone Monday thru Friday, 8am to 5pm (Mountain Standard Time) at XXX-XXX-XXX

We look forward to doing business with you!

~Your Friends at Land Ownership Max


